poster with event text and headshot of the lecturer
Apr 04, 11:20 am - 1:00 pm
Harder Hall, Holmes Auditorium
Lecture or Speaker

Samuel R. Scholes Award Lecture

There and Back Again: A Journey in Glass Dr. 约翰·C. 毛罗。

The Inamori School of Engineering will host the annual Samuel R. Scholes Award Lecture on April 4, 2024 Dr. 约翰·C. 毛罗。将在福尔摩斯礼堂做题为“去而复返:玻璃之旅”的演讲, Harder Hall at 11:20am.

约翰·C. 毛罗。, Ph.D.

“玻璃是我一生的激情,从我在阿尔弗雷德-阿尔蒙德地区的童年开始. In this presentation, I reflect on my personal journey in glass, 从作为k8彩乐园app官网下载的学生参加斯科尔斯讲座到今天回到阿尔弗雷德. 我分享了我在k8彩乐园app官网下载的教育是如何让我成为康宁公司的一名工业研究科学家,以及后来在宾夕法尼亚州立大学担任材料科学与工程教授的成功. 我回顾了这段时间在玻璃物理和化学方面取得的一些进展, 包括设计和理解工业玻璃系统的新方法的发展. I conclude with some thoughts about the pursuit of industrial vs. academic careers." -John c. 毛罗。

Dr. 约翰·C. 毛罗。 多萝西·佩特是宾夕法尼亚州立大学材料科学与工程系的教授和研究生教育副主任吗. John earned a B.S. in Glass Engineering Science (2001), B.A. in Computer Science (2001), and Ph.D. in Glass Science (2006), all from Alfred University. 他于1999年加入康宁公司,在那里担任多个职位, including Senior Research Manager of the Glass Research department, 在那里,他领导了一个由15名科学家和技术人员组成的团队,开发新的玻璃和玻璃陶瓷产品. 约翰于2017年加入宾夕法尼亚州立大学,是世界公认的基础和应用玻璃科学专家, statistical mechanics, computational and condensed matter physics, thermodynamics, and the topology of disordered networks.

约翰是康宁公司几种新型玻璃成分的发明者或共同发明者, including Corning Gorilla® Glass products. John是使用基于物理和机器学习模型设计新型玻璃材料的先驱. 他是过冷液体和玻璃粘度新模型的发明者, glass structure and topology, relaxation behavior, and thermal and mechanical properties. He is co-author of Fundamentals of Inorganic Glasses, 3rd ed. (Elsevier, 2019), the definitive textbook on glass science and technology, 著有《k8彩乐园app官网下载》(Elsevier), 2021), 材料科学中最全面的动力学现象教科书.

John was awarded the N.J. 美国陶瓷学会玻璃与光学材料分部颁发Kreidl奖(2006年). 2010年,宾夕法尼亚州立大学和国际玻璃委员会(ICG)授予John W.A. Weyl International Glass Science Award. In 2011, John received the V. Gottardi Prize from the ICG, 2012年,他被选为玻璃技术协会Alastair Pilkington爵士奖的首届获得者. In 2013, John was awarded the S. Donald Stookey Award for Exploratory Research from Corning Incorporated. 2015年,约翰成为美国陶瓷协会的会员,并获得了R.M. Fulrath Award. In the same year, he was also awarded the W.H. Zachariasen Award from the Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. In 2016, 美国国家陶瓷工程师协会(NICE)评选约翰为卡尔·施瓦兹瓦尔德陶瓷工程专业成就奖(PACE)得主. 约翰还因在康宁促进多元化而获得康宁“种族多元化员工团队”(EDGE)优秀奖(2016年). More recently, John被选为玻璃技术协会(2019)的会员,并获得了宾夕法尼亚州立大学材料科学与工程学院的年度奖(2019). John is also recipient of the Paul F. 2020年度地球与矿物科学研究突破罗伯逊奖, the 教师 Scholar Medal from Penn State (2021), the Wilson Award for Excellence in Teaching (2022), the Fiat Lux Award from Alfred University (2022), and the Wulff Lectureship from MIT (2022). 约翰还因发明了LionGlassTM而获得了宾夕法尼亚州立大学技术锦标赛(2023年)的第一名, 一种新型玻璃家族,可将玻璃制造的碳足迹降低约50%,同时显着提高机械性能.

约翰发表了360多篇同行评议出版物,并在国际会议和研讨会上发表了200多篇演讲. 论文被引用18500余次,h指数60. John has 80 granted U.S. patents and several additional patents pending. John is Editor-in-Chief of Journal of the American Ceramic Society. John is a Member of the National Academy of Engineering, the National Academy of Inventors, and the World Academy of Ceramics.
Outside of his technical work, 约翰也是一名备受追捧的投机小说评论家,并担任《k8彩乐园app官网下载》和《迪士尼3彩乐园》的助理编辑. John has interviewed a multitude of well-known authors, including Patrick Rothfuss, Mark Lawrence, Fonda Lee, Gemma Amor, Jeff VanderMeer, Cassandra Khaw, Anna Smith Spark, and many more.

Dr. Scholes served Alfred University for over 40 years.
Dean (1946–1948)
Associate Dean (1948–1952)
Department Head, Glass Technology (1932–1946)

让我们每个人尽自己的一份力量,使我们这个时代的物质发明服务于人类的高度需要和命运。” -Samuel R. Scholes

Alfred University awarded Dr. 斯科尔斯因其作为学者的贡献被授予荣誉科学博士学位, educator, administrator, and glass scientist. 他的名字也被选为斯科尔斯陶瓷图书馆和塞缪尔R. 斯科尔斯系列讲座是为了纪念他对科学历史和哲学的兴趣而建立的. As author of Modern Glass Practice, 一本广受好评的关于玻璃制作的书(从1935年到1975年连续出版了七次), Dr. 斯科尔斯帮助使美国的玻璃制造过程标准化. He was author of three other books: Glass Industry Handbook, Glass Tank Furnaces, and Opportunities in Ceramics.

During his 19 years in the glass industry, 他倡导自动化制造、原材料综合控制和标准化. He held patents for development of an improved glassmelting pot, a method of stirring optical glass, and extraction of potash from feldspar. Dr. 斯科尔斯毕业于里彭学院(文学士,1905年)和耶鲁大学(博士,1905年).D., 1911). He was a poet, 学者, 也是一位最优秀的科学教育家,他相信玻璃是“科学之眼”, the carrier of light."